

Source of Staple Food Ingredients

Rice is a type of plant that is very easy to find, especially for those of us living in rural areas. Rice fields are filled with rice plants. For many, rice serves as a staple food source. Rice is a plant that belongs to the genus Oryza L., which includes about 25 species, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions such as Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Australia. The rice we have today is a hybrid of Oryza officinalis and Oryza sativa F. Spontanea. Globally, rice production ranks third among all cereals, after corn and wheat. However, rice is the primary source of carbohydrates for the majority of the world's population.

Tanaman padi adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang sangat mudah ditemukan, apalagi kita yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan. Hamparan persawahan dipenuhi dengan tanaman padi. Sebagian besar menjadikan padi sebagai sumber bahan makanan pokok. Padi merupakan tanaman yang termasuk genus Orzya L. yangmeliputi kurang lebih 25 spesies, tersebar di daerah tropis dan daerah subtropics,seperti Asia, Afrika, Amerika dan Australia.
Padi yang ada sekarang merupakan persilangan antara Oryzaofficianalis dan OryzasativaF. Spontane Produksi padi dunia menempati urutan ketiga dari semua serealia, setelah jagung dan gandum. Namun, padi merupakan sumber karbohidrat utama bagi mayoritas penduduk dunia.


Luas Lahan


Lokasi Lahan


Total Petani/Mitra


Produksi Pertahun

Benefit Of Paddy

Source of Energy for the Body

Maintaining Heart Health

To Detoxify the Body

For Medicine and Cosmetic Ingredients

To Address Digestive Issues

To Strengthen Bones and Teeth

Rich in Nutrients
